Top Ten Songs Obama and Liberals Teach To Their Supporters

After witnessing the lack of knowledge and awareness of the vast majority of those who still support and defend the unconstitutionality of the actions of this administration, despite that the economic measurements are similar to that of the Great Depression as a direct result of Liberal fiscal policy. I have finally uncovered the songs they play continually amongst the unaware, the lazy, the entertainment-addicted, the apathetic, the youngest, the uneducated, the fearful, the criminal minded, the reactionary, and the psychologically co-dependent voter. Never underestimate the power of philosophy found in music and media that liberals and Socialist Progressive pump on talk shows, musical lyrics, sitcoms, movies, comedy shows, cartoons, and even in the school system.

These poor poor people don’t realize that they are being hoodwinked, bamboozled, mistreated, manipulated, deceived, cheated, defrauded, double-crossed, duped, faked out, fleeced, double-dealt, fast talked, finagled, fleeced, flimflammed, fudged, given the bum steer, gouged, fooled, stymied, gulled, gypped, hoaxed, boondoggled, hornswoggled, befuddled, beguiled, diddled, done a number on, shafted, bilked, bypassed, circumnavigated, shucked and jived, skinned, snowed, sifted, suckered, cramped, crimped, detoured, disappointed, dodged, eluded, ensnared, entrapped, evaded, foiled, frustrated, lured, mislead, scammed, hosed, reamed, ripped off, rooked, roped in, jerked around, milked, screwed, sucked in, swindled, taken advantage of, taken for a ride, taken to the cleaners, tricked, victimized, and lead astray!


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Well, I just found out why Obama supporters still are willing to give him 4 more years of failure.

NOW PRESENTING … Obama and the gang teamed with MC George Soros to promote their new songs that can be heard everyday from Liberal Media and Socialist entertainment partners of the world.

Now American’s waking up from having been tucked into bed and put to sleep by Obama’s TEN MOST GREATEST HITS. These are the songs that Obama and the his crew teaches people to sing amongst themselves and their children, which inspired people (from every racial background) to habitually vote for their Slave Owners as their owners tucked them into bed like:

The Top Ten Songs Obama and Liberals Teach To Their Supporters

10. “Always a Victim”

9. “Masta’ Gotz My Back”

8. “Think For Me”

7. “The Obama Lie-llaby”

6. “I ain’tz Gotta Work No More”

5. “Obama Said Drink that Kool-aid”

4. “Abortion Works for Me”

3. “Save Nothing, Spend Now”

2. “Obama, take care of me”

1. “Pee on the Ground.”

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